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Festival Jeunes Voix Mêlées

from 25th to 29th, may, 2022



From 25th to 29th, may, 2022

Aims of the event


  • opportunity for different choirs to meet and sing together

  • allow choirs to share their experiences

  • organize a choral event for the city, the council and the department

  • give an opportunity for singers to meet and sing with well known European choir directors

  • give choir members the opportunity to listen to many concerts with choral groups of different styles




  • On Monday the 23th and Tuesday the 24th of May 2022, meeting of school choirs

  • On Wednesday the 25th to 29th of May 2022, European choir festival


Association Junior-Chanterie-Cantilène de Thuir

The"Chanterie - Cantilène" Thuir is a choir group of children and teenagers from five to 18 years old. We were  created in 1977 and we are located in Thuir in the South of France near Perpignan and 45 km from the Spanish border. Our association has three groups: the junior group between 5 and 8 years allows singers to discover their voices, the chanterie from 8 to 12 allow singers to discover polyphonic songs. The older group, the cantilène is composed by singers from 12 to 18 years old, they explore more complex arrangements.

All three groups have a rich year of musical concerts, afternoon workshops, and week-end full of songs, scenic work and plenty of fun.

Every year, singers participate in choir exchanges around France and abroad. In recent years, we have met choirs from Portugal, Estonia, Catalunya, France....

Between 1995 to 2005, during 6 editions we have held six children choir meetings, one every two year.  

Organisation - planning


  • European children and youth choirs ( from 8 to 18 years old)

  • 12 choirs during school hours (on Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th of May 2022)

  • 8 European children and youth choirs (from Wednesday 25th to Sunday 29th of May 2022)

  • Partner choirs (near Thuir)

  • Guest choirs (thursday afternoon for Cœur de ville en chœurs)

Planning 2022 VF_recadré.jpg
Singing practice: ateliers, open singing



3 ateliers for 100 singers conducted by a renowned European choir director.

Each choir will be split into two groups and will participate in 2 different workshops. Each group will follow the same atelier for the three days. The choirs will have to choose by order of preference which workshop they select.Each director will then split his choir into two groups respecting the balance of voices.

Tom Johnson - Belgique

Atelier n°1:

Music is my life!

Participants : 8-12 ans ( equal voices)- 100 participants   


Workshop content :

This atelier is an entry on songs from all around the world for the youngest crowd of the festival also using non verbal communication. While working on the vocal aspect the body will also be invested in this interactive workshop.


Tom Johnson begins his musical education at age nine. In 2006, he starts violin studies in the Conservatoire Royal d’Anvers with Guido de Neve coming to an end in 2011 with an magna cum laude mention. He is also interested in choir singing and directing, and was instructed around Geert Hendrix and Luc Anthonis. He moreover follows master classes alongside Rob Vermeulen, Erik van Nevel, Hans Leenders, Daniel Reuss et Mi-chael Gohl.

In 2016, he directed the children’s choir from l’Opéra des Flandres and is often solicited as a guest director.




Sanna Valvanne - Finland

Atelier n°2:
Sing and shine around the globe!

Participants : 12-18 ans ( mixed and equal voices)- 100 participants   


Workshop content : Welcome to Sanna's workshop to express music happily with your whole being. Participate in playful warm-up exercises, group dynamics and improvisation that free the voice and the mind. Explore songs from different cultures, styles and languages ​​that move and groove body and soul. Experience a warm atmosphere and feel powerful. Enjoy the creative journey to a show. Embrace the power of singing that uplifts and connects us all. Together we will sing and shine, from the bottom of our hearts!


Sanna Valvanne, director of the Sing & Shine choirs, is one of Finland's most innovative international choral conductors. She is recognized worldwide for her creative and expressive choral method "Sing & Shine with Body & Soul". Former singer and vocal trainer of the famous Tapiola Choir, Sanna has been a highly acclaimed guest conductor for hundreds of choirs and festivals around the world.

Whether with her own choirs or as a guest conductor, Sanna continues to push the boundaries of choral expression and explore new ways to share love and joy through song.

Denis Thuillier - France

Atelier n°3:

Welcome to Broadway

Participants :12-18 ans ( mixed and equal voices)- 100 participants   


Workshop content : Broadway! ... This word evokes so many things, music, decor, glitter, dreams, so New York! The Broadway workshop will immerse us in this captivating and catchy adventure of American musicals, a subtle mixture of music and choreography, a whirlwind of emotions, the main one being pleasure. Over the years and musical styles, you will sing familiar tunes, familiar songs, but also discover new ones, all wonderful!

Born in 1974, Paris, Denis Thuillier begins choir singing at age 5 and starts piano and solfege. He then then follows studies in choir direction and orchestra in the CNR Orchestra of Boulogne-Billancourt and in Lausanne. A voice passionate, he aslo sang in number of smaller formations. Professional choir director since 2004, he today directs various types of choirs. He notably won the first medal of the national concourse of the Florilège Voal of Tour in 2005 l’Ensemble Vocal de la Brénadienne.

He is regularly solicited to direct diverse choirs in France and abroad or supervise conductor’s formations.



Open singing will be led by the three renowened European choir director present at the event: Panda van Proosdij (Netherlands), Tom Johnson (Belgium) et Denis Thuillier (France)



Open singing will also be supervised by Mathieu LE NESTOUR, singer, pianist, compositor and arranger, singing professor spécialised in contemporary music.


Mathieu Le Nestour records numerous albums as arranger and interpret, nottably with the label  Naïve (platinium disc in  2012 for “chansons et comptines de notre enfance“), and regularly lends his voice for advertisements.

Son stge, he accumulates encounters and projects (The voice, Jean Carpenter, Yoann Freejay, Dany Mauro, Emmy Liyana, Anna Ka, Alvy Zamé, Fred’Angelo, Barry Johnson, American Gospel Junior, Agnès fait sa b.o, John Sims, Ronald Becker Electric band…) and tours in France and Europe, notably with his shows: Planète Groove and Le Comptinobook (Gimick).

He is a specialist of choir arrangements or vocal ensembles ( First place of composition at the concours international de la ville de Tours in 2009) Some of his pieces are edited by A Cœur Joie’s editions. He also is the artistic director of VoCA a society specialised in vocal team building.



1 singing afternoon

7 concerts

  • Concert « Cœur de ville en chœurs »  from 14h30 to 17h30 on Thursday 26th of May :

5 squares in the city will welcome the participating choirs. Each choir will give a 25 minutes concert. The afternoon will be open to all local choirs from the department (school and others). The public will have the choice between a variety of concerts and locations.


  • Concert « Mosaïque » at 21h00 on Thursday 26th of May : 

Each choir will present 2 songs from their program. 8 minutes per choir.


  • “Choir to choir" concert from 16h00 to 17h00 and from 17h30 to 18h30 on Friday 27th and Saturday 28th of May :

Two choirs share a musical performance for 25 minutes each.


  • Prestigious concert at 21h00 on Friday 27th of May: Children and youth choir of the University of Lisbon, Portugal

It is one of the most acclaimed children's and youth choirs, developing a new choral language in which he combines body and theatrical expression with singing.















  • Final concert at 21h00 on Saturday 28th of May:

Will be a performance showing  the results of the different workshops and  open singing  during the event.

Lieu : Salle des Aspres


on line

Choirs can register online following this link :


from the 31st of May 2021 to the 31th of January 2022

The first payment of 50% will be asked for the 31th of january 2022. The whole amount will have to be paid by the 28 of March 2022.



Fee  for choirs singers:

  • Free for 3 adults (choir director, the pianist and the choir manager). This fee includes accommodation for 4 nights, 8 meals, the open singing, the ateliers and the admissions for all the concerts. It doesn't include the trip to Thuir. Each choir will have the opportunity to perform during the “mosaique concert”, in one choir to choir concert, and in the final concert. In some cases a concert on the Friday 27th of May in the host village can be organized by the partner choir.


  • Choir member of Europa Cantat : 65 euros per chorist

  • Choir non menber of Europa Cantat: 75 euros per chorist

  •  Free for choir director, the pianist and the choir manager

  • Other accompanying person: 75 euros as well. Accompanying persons may be asked for help at different times during the event.

  • The number of choirs is limited by the hosts available. In case of too many registrations, the musical team will have to choose between the choirs interested so different styles and levels will be taken into consideration. Your registration will be confirmed very quickly.

Accomodation and meals

Family hosting

Collective meals

The singers will be hosted by families of our singers here in Thuir or in families from our local choirs. These families will accompany the hosted singers throughout the whole stay. The meals and picnic will be offered by these families on Wednesday night and Sunday pic nic. The other meals will be taken all together in a common lunch room. Each choir will have to make sure that they have informed us of the different diets of their singers.

Each host family will have at least two singers. Choir directors will send us the list with suggested pairings to dispatch them in the families.. We may make a few changes if needed, but anyhow none will be left alone in a family.


Accompanying individuals will be staying in host families as well except if they book a hotel (which will be the responsibility of their own choir).


Bus drivers: will not be asked to stay during the event. But for those who stay during the festival, they will stay in families as well, except if they book a hotel (which will the responsibility of their own choir).





Contact:  /   Phone number : +336-13-27-7385


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© Copyright 2017 by La Chanterie Cantilène. Proudly created with

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Tel: 06-13-27-73-85 



Association « Junior Chanterie-Cantilène »

MJC - 9, avenue Docteur Écoiffier

66300 Thuir

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